The JFREJ Israel-Palestine Team is thrilled to present a new series as part of a 5783 participatory process that engages our neighborhood groups, caucuses, campaign teams, allies, and full membership. Together, we will do some deep learning together; clarify when and how we take action and speak out on the subject; align around a theory of change; and develop a shared understanding of our strategy on Israel-Palestine as a local issue. Click here to learn more about JFREJ's approach to Israel-Palestine.

This series is only open to JFREJ dues-paying members in good standing. If you need to renew your dues or become a member, you can do so here!

  • Neighborhood Groups Facilitation Training October 13

  • JFREJ’s Strategy on Israel-Palestine as a Local Issue, Past & Present ⇒ November 1

  • How to Understand & Combat Antisemitism & its Instrumentalization in NYC ⇒ November 16

  • Election Debrief & Roundtable: New York Jews & Democracy, Where Do We Go From Here? ⇒ December 13