Unraveling Antisemitism
A cultural organizing project and map for discussion, organizing, and struggle to win a world free from antisemitism
A cultural organizing project and map for discussion, organizing, and struggle to win a world free from antisemitism
A multicultural celebration with a clear message: Pass Intro 1116; Fund Excluded Workers, and; Churros, Not Cops!
As the sun set over Bay Ridge, Brooklyn two weeks ago, Mizrahi and Sephardi members of JFREJ made history.
EMCEE’s Hannah Goldman of JFREJ’s Mizrahi & Sephardi Caucus & Reem Ramadan of Arab American Association of New York bri…
This summer we witnessed the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner at the hands of the police; in the months that fol…
Our Purimspiel, in cahoots with the Aftselakhis Spectacle Committee, is March 30th, and the Farbrengen, on January 27th…
Shavuot is a holiday of revelation. We receive and study texts that challenge and inspire us, directing us towards buil…
A Purim Ball for the body, its resilience, its fragility, and its bounce!
"Jews Racial and Economic Justice, the Park Slope-based Kolot Chayeinu, and the gay synagogue Beth Simchat Torah cospon…
JFREJ member Rabbi Ellen Lippmann writes about Sukkot at Occupy Wall Street