Jews For Racial & Economic Justice is tremendously honored to receive the Living Traditions Award from Stony Point Center, home of the Living Traditions Community. Thank you to The Stony Point Center for recognizing our work in the fight for a better and brighter future, and for all that you do to bring about a loving, multi-faith movement for peace and justice, for and with all communities.

The Living Traditions Award was established in 2014 to honor the work of an individual or group that exemplifies the values of the Community of Living Traditions: justice, peacemaking, earth-consciousness and radical hospitality.
“JFREJ’s work is very exciting to us because it builds on over a century of Jewish involvement in immigrant rights and workers’ organizing efforts in the greater NYC region,” said Joyce Bressler, a member of the Jewish Cohort of the Community of Living Traditions. “Lots of folks don’t really know about this history, but it was really integral in shaping the progressive movement in this country, and we are grateful that JFREJ is carrying this living tradition forward.”