Mourners Kaddish for Rafah: No Money for Massacres

On Saturday evening during Lag BaOmer, the Israeli military murdered 45 displaced people in a humanitarian safe zone in Rafah, most of whom were women, children and older adults. This is a clear violation of international law and Biden’s “red line.”

Join IfNotNow and JFREJ on Thursday May 30th at 4pm to say Kaddish and cut Kriah for the Palestinians brutally murdered by Israel’s May 26th massacre.

As Jews, we reject the notion that Jewish safety is only possible through the oppression and murder of Palestinians. Instead of putting an end to the unspeakable violence – including the torture of Palestinians in military prisons and Israelis held hostage in Gaza – Senator Schumer and other elected officials have continued to defend the indefensible, and even worse— fund it. We will gather outside the office of Senator Schumer to mourn and demand: #NoMoneyForMassacres - the U.S. must stop arming Israel’s assault on Gaza.

Not in our name. Not on our dime.

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