Queens Neighborhood Group Meeting: Film Screening & Discussion on Care Work in Queens

Join your Queens neighborhood group this month for a special self-organized film screening and discussion. We will watch Pagpapa(-)alam: To Wish You Well, So You Know, by JFREJ member Cecilia Lim (who will join the discussion!). Through an audiovisual poem, Cecilia provides snapshots of the many ways in which Women and Femmes of Color practice care and reciprocity in support of their communities. This reciprocal relationship manifests in caring for elders and preparing food, to protests for workers’ rights and standing firm against hate. After the film, we'll be joined by members of the Caring Majority and the filmmaker to discuss community care, the labor of women and femmes of color, and how to take action for care workers.

Accessibility info: There are no steps into the entrance way of the location. If the weather is good, the group will meet outdoors in the backyard. To get inside the lower level, it's 1-2 steps down, and there is bathroom access on that level. If anyone drives and needs easy access, a driveway space may be available.