Caring Majority Monthly Organizing Call & Orientation

Learn from and take action with older adults, people with disabilities, family caregivers, & home care workers on the front lines of the home care crisis.

5:00 PM: Orientation to the NY Caring Majority Campaign

5:30 PM: Monthly Organizing Call

About this Event

The New York Caring Majority is a statewide campaign of older and disabled people, home care workers, family caregivers, and advocates fighting for a world where care is at the center, where all of us have the healthcare and home care we need, where and when we need it, and where we show we value care work by praising it and by providing care workers family-sustaining wages and benefits.

Join us! RSVP for zoom link. Calls will include closed captions, Spanish interpretation, and recordings after the fact. For other accessibility questions or requests, please e-mail