Saturday 3/20 vigil for Atlanta victims
Sunday 3/21 rally for an end to violence

Each of them have their official start time, but you would be arriving prior at another location, close by, for a skills sharing session. These sessions will offer you the primers needed to support small events this way, some deescalation techniques, and a chance to set up ground rules and get to know each other prior to the actions.

Depending on how you observe Shabbos, we have opportunities for both Saturday and Sunday.

  • Manhattan / Saturday March 20 at 3:00PM for training sharpfor a 4:30PM at Washington Square Park. The event ends at 6PM."Candelight vigils for Atlanta victims" "Wear white"
  • Queens / Sunday March 21 at 4:30PM for training sharp for a 6PM event in Queens Broadway & 45th Avenue at Moore Homestead Playground (fyi, locally it's known to some as CC Moore, not to be confused with Clement Clarke Moore Park in Manhattan)"We Exist. Join APIA sisters calling for an end to violence and a demand for care and justice" The event ends at 7:00PM.

    If you are available for them, please commit and let us know which ones using this form

Find more resources for responding to hate violence here.