On January 31st, Sam Brody at Jewschool published a wonderfully thoughtful review and critique of JFREJ's Understanding Antisemitism resource. We're so grateful to everyone who is engaging with our work so seriously and deeply. In the review, Brody says,
"...when the left speaks of fighting antisemitism, it does not stop with “frustrating particular schemes of certain individuals or groups to do physical or psychological harm to Jews.” It means that, but not only that. Rather, as with other oppressions the left seeks to combat, it defines antisemitism as a set of relations that is at work across a particular, patterned, historical configuration of civilization, neither permanent nor inevitable, even if it spans centuries and continents. This means that for the left, fighting antisemitism entails the possibility of defeating it."
We couldn't agree more, and we encourage you to read the full review here, and continue the conversation with your friends, family and colleagues. And send us your own reviews and feedback here.