What's At Stake for the Caring Majority in the 2024 Election & Taking action: #JewsForSarahana Phone Bank


Join us to discuss why the elections this year matter to the caring majority - and how we can take action to build home care power in NYS and across the country. We will be joined by special guest speaker, Stephanie Luce, Professor of Labor Studies at the CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies & Professor of Sociology at the CUNY Graduate Center. Her research focuses on low-wage work, globalization and labor standards, and labor-community coalitions. She is the author of Labor Movements: Global Perspectives. Well-known for her research on living wage campaigns and movements, she is also the author of Fighting for a Living Wage and co-author (with Robert Pollin) of The Living Wage: Building a Fair Economy. She is co-author of A Measure of Fairness; and co-editor of What Works for Workers?: Public Policies and Innovative Strategies for Low-Wage Workers.

Stay on after our call for a phone bank to support The Jewish Vote-endorsed candidate Sarahana Shrestha!!