The New McCarthyism: Experiences of Blacklisting in NYC

We've entered a new era of McCarthyism, where nonviolent people engaging in political action and speaking up for Palestinian freedom are targeted, harassed, and even fired for exercising the right to free speech. These smear campaigns are designed to divide us and scare us out of solidarity and into silence. But not on our watch!

If you've faced consequences for speaking out about Palestine in recent months — if you've lost job opportunities and speaking engagements, if you've been pressured into silence, or hesitant to attend marches & rallies for fear of material repercussions — join us on zoom Monday, March 11th for a discussion with fellow New Yorkers who are experiencing similar pressures and blacklisting.

Please note: This meeting is specifically geared towards people who are experiencing these pressures. We intend to hold future events that all people interested in this subject can attend, but this particular event is intended for people who feel directly impacted.