JFREJ established the Rabbi Marshall T. Meyer Risk Taker Award in 1995 to honor people and organizations who have taken extraordinary risks in the pursuit of justice. Rabbi Meyer, who served as the rabbi of Congregation B'nai Jeshurun, was a fighter for social justice, a man of vision who was willing to put acceptance and safety at risk to struggle for a better world. The awardees continue this inspiring legacy through their work combating all forms of oppression and the risks they have taken in doing so.
Honoring Risk Taker Award Recipients:
- CAAAV: Organizing Asian Communities: for their 30 years of powerful grassroots organizing in Asian communities of NYC and their steadfast commitment to the fight for police accountability and unprecedented intersectional movement building.
- Deepa Iyer: for her long-time leadership in supporting and shaping the immigration justice movement, and for using her voice as a attorney, activist, and writer to disrupt the rampant Islamophobia in post 9/11 America.
- Yavilah McCoy: for the central role she has played in building the leadership and power of Jews of Color in Jewish community and for her visionary voice in advancing racial justice within the Jewish community and beyond.
... & Celebrating Outgoing Executive Director Dove Kent
For her extraordinary leadership, which has resulted in an expansive rebuilding of JFREJ’s strength and power, and a transformative path forward for our Jewish community and our work for social justice
MC: Kate Bornstein