Purim Content Launch FARBREGEN 2016!

The Aftselokhis Spectacle Committee excitedly brings you this year's Purimshpiel 5776 Launch FARBRENGEN! What is a farbrengen? a joyous gathering of comrades, visionaries, artists, organizers, and rabble rousers. This is the event that kicks the annual Aftselokhis Purim creative process into action. THE EVENT THAT HELPS SHAPE THE SHOW. There will be food. There will be singing. and moving, and dancing. There will be presenters, and an irresistible amalgamation of political thought & education. There will be discussion and reflection. and megillah. Come bring your body, your mind, your heart. Come bring your fears, your desires, your dreams. Location TBD. Presenters TBD. For more info, visit the Facebook event.