Rally For Eric Garner Anniversary

Almost one year ago, on July 17th, Eric Garner was killed on Staten Island by Officer Pantaleo who used an illegal police chokehold to tackle him to the ground. On the anniversary of his tragic and senseless death, the officer that killed him walks free. On Saturday July 18th there will be a rally to demand that the Department of Justice convene a federal grand jury for the killing of Eric Garner. In addition to calling for DOJ action in the killing of Mr. Garner we will also be pressuring them to act in the three-year-old Ramarley Graham case. The Eric Garner and Ramarley Graham cases are considered to be the two cases where there is a chance of DOJ action in New York at this time. Please join us for this important date and add your voice to the cry for justice. RSVP to amanda@jfrej.org.